Tuesday, December 6, 2011

the fifth entry (Chapter 2 part 3)

Nothing based on reality today. As far as I know men were not tortured with large centipedes but anything is possible                 
                                                                         2  (part 3)
                   Elsewhere, an ocean across from Tesla and Twain in the dark and dingy underworld known as London several men were also organizing but for far more dark and nefarious reasons.  In a seemingly inconspicuous building there were far less inconspicuous acts being done. “You think us as fools Mr. Black?” The man they were interrogating was Jonathan Albert Black, a secret arms dealer for the United States Secret Service. The goal of these men is find out when shipments are and intercept. Of course Black has been trained to not give up any information and know that if he has to he will die for his country. Though at this point death would be welcome. Jonathan has had all ten of his toenails removed, metal nail files been stuck far into each of his fingers and as it goes without saying countless beatings with everything not nailed to the floor and a few things that are. Jonathan’s speech is beyond labored at this point any breath he takes causes him physical pain “You say I belong to a (Jonathan gives a deep and clearly painful sigh) secret service? Isn’t it a little counter productive to make the nation’s service be a secret? I mean how would upstanding men like yourself find out about it then?” Jon knows that will lead to a beating; deep inside he hopes it is enough to kill him. The interrogator is wearing a blood stained white silk shirt along with a long black tie embroidered with a white out-stretched hand with eyeball in the middle. He smiles and speaks, “I am thrilled that after all this we haven’t beat our your sense of humor. Perhaps we are going about this the wrong way, our methods are too quick and the pain is clearly too fleeting.”
The man leaves the room. Jonathan has no idea what could be in store and he has no choice but to take whatever this man is about to give him. He is tied to a chair arms and legs, though at this point he is too weak to walk out of the room much less run away from the building and somehow back to the states. Jon didn’t have to wait long for the man’s return. He came back holding a large aquarium, which appeared to just be filled with brown and yellow dirt. Upon closer inspection Jonathan realized the dirt in the aquarium was moving. The man placed the aquarium in front of himself “To answer the question rolling around your head right now Mr. Black, the answer is Centipedes. These are various members of the Scolopendridae family of centipedes, to be exact. Small to you and I yes, but these specimens is of the largest class of centipedes.” Jon flashed back to childhood, thinking back to picking up centipedes. The largest one he ever saw was maybe three inches long and even that might have been an exaggeration. The ones in the tank looked to be a foot long or larger. Jon tensed in the chair. He thought again back to childhood, he loved finding those large centipedes and throwing them at the girls he liked. One of those girls was actually his future wife. He tortured her in early grades, befriended her in later grades and became high school sweethearts. They had just had their second child when Jon got the job at the service. For the first time in two weeks of torture Jon had to fight back tears. SMACK! “STAY WITH US MR. BLACK, I do so hate it when people are not paying attention to my entomology lectures. As I was saying, these centipedes are not specifically harmful to humans. Their venom can in some cases cause fever, rashes, and maybe even diarrhea. Though as we have seen that is your area of expertise and nothing new. Though these beauties are nothing but determined. Take this one for example (The man reaches down and grabs into the aquarium. As he reaches out a few other centipedes clinch onto his shirt) heh as I said, determined (the man pets the centipedes and puts them back in the aquarium) this one (the man has a large a large brown and red centipede with yellow legs in his hands) is called scolopendra gigantea robusta. I once saw this guy eat an entire mouse over the course of several hours, or was it days? Who can tell when you’re having fun? Now I can only imagine the fun these fellows will have with you.” The man put the centipede back and took out a white hanker chief with the same symbol of his tie, his time a black outline on the white.
“Clothes” the man snapped his fingers and two large similarly dressed men came into room and ripped Jonathans clothes off. Afterwards the first of the large men went and stood by the interrogators side and the second man joined him but not before punching the naked mister Black in the testicles. The man had an easy foot advantage over the interrogator. The interrogator jumped and punched him square in the jaw. He then pulled him down by his tie “Did I ask you to do that? Look at this man (he pulled the tie closer to Black) I need information from him and I did that to him. You are worth nothing to me; you are the maggots feasting on shit. You act out of turn once more and you will not live to regret it.” He let of the tie, the man straightens it and speaks “yes Mr. Drake it won’t happen again.” They grab Jonathan, still in the chair, and take him into a small closet large enough just for the chair. Mr. Drake takes the aquarium and overturns it onto Jonathan’s naked body and shuts the door. “We will back in hour and see if he is alive and willing to talk. If he still won’t talk nail a sheet to the door, these can give you quite loud death terrors and we do not want to upset the party guests.”

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